Sunday 22 February 2015


I chose to start this blog post with this picture because it contains one of my favirut quotes. I love quotes weather  it is an inspirational quote or just a silly one. "so the lion fell in love with the lamb" is my all time favirut. I can recite the entire paragraph that this quote is in of by hart. the quote is from the first book in the twilight saga. another quote I love from the Twilight saga is "don't trust vampires, trust me." I love this one because it is said by a vampire which makes it so ironic.
 There are a few inspirational quotes I like such as "do more of what makes you happy" or "just say yes!" two of my favirut YouTuber's use these all the time. These make me happy because they make me realise that if you say no you will never do anything and if you listen to others and don't do what you want then you will never be happy.
 Me and my friends share a quote which we like to recite when we are felling a bit down this is "Cupid stupid" this is from the TV series Arrow. Ironically the episode was titled Cupid. This quote makes us all smile.
 I find the quotes stand out to me and stick in my head for weeks. I could probably list hundreds of quotes and tell you what they all mean to me but then this would be a very long blog post and you would probably get very board so I am going to stop here. What are your Favirut quotes and what do they mean to you?

Saturday 14 February 2015

happy face

I am so happy this week and not just because today is the first day of the half term. I got accepted to 2 collages this week which is grate, but it means i have a hard choice to make.
 I'm sure most of you will be in the same dilemma at the moment. there are pros and cons for every collage you apply for. you also have to deicide on what course is best suited to you. I am going for a course in animal care, although I do not know where yet. 
 when you are looking for a collage to go to you have to think about many different thing:
  1. what course you want to do
  2. what facilities they have
  3. hoe will you get there
this is what I have to think about at the moment. what courses are you applying for?
 I am sat writing this with a coupe of coffee and thinking about a picture which came up on twitter with my favirut quote on it, which will have to go in this blog post. have a nice week.

Monday 9 February 2015

crazzy week

ok so here is the blog post i promised last week. this week has been a good week i don't think there has been a single moment when i haven't smiled. I had my first collage interview this week which went really well and i really like the collage. there was nothing in particular that was good this week that was good I just felt really good so i thought i would wright down my plans for next weekend with you.
 next week end is valentines day and i don't have a boyfriend and none of my friends have boyfriends. so we decided to have singles night. the problem with this is that the next day all my friends go to New York leaving me on my own. because they are going to have to get up early the next day and will still have packing to do they have decided they will partake in singles night on their own.
 my plans are to have a bath and a general pamper section and then snuggle up in my pyjamas with a hot drink and watch movies (nothing romantic though!) I will also have plenty of chocolate. i don't mind not having a boyfriend on valentines day because it means I can have a snugly evening.

Sunday 1 February 2015

do more of what makes you happy!

One of my favirut YouTuber's use's this quote all the time. This quote is very fitting for me this week. I don't think I have not been doing anything this week. every spare moment I have been doing something. I have so much home work, revision and I also have to do some of the house work on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. normally this would not be a problem but I decided I needed to stop for an extra revision session which meant that my Wednesday day was jam packed.
 the moral of that story is if you are going to add something in to your schedule add something to a day that you have less to do.
 I have just looked at my time table for what I have to do this week and when I need to do it and the only day I don't have to do anything is a Thursday.
 normally if I have had a jam packed week I like to have the weekend to myself but this week I have been nonstop so I am very fed up. all I want to do is curle up in bed and watch telly or read my book but I have so much to do.
 Thank you for reading my ramble blog post and I am sorry it is not a happy fun One like I promised but nothing from this week seemed good enough to document. let me know how your week went.