Thursday 10 November 2016

Verry Busy!!!!

The picture is of a book i brought recently.
So I completely missed September and October and we are know in to November.
I'm sorry about that but it has been hectic and i have been very busy.
I had my 18th birthday in September and my brothers 16th in October.
We also went on an amazing outing to the Warner brothers studios to see the sets that Harry Potter was filmed on.
I also made a drastic decision.
To become Vegan!!!
So I have been adjusting to that  and finding out what I can and cant eat.
trust me unless you are series about doing it then I wold not even try it.
because it is very hard and there is not a lot of food that you can eat.
But I will talk about that in another blog post.
I am planning on documenting my meals that I create for you on here.
I do like to do lots of different things with my porridge.
what have you been up to in the last few months?
Alice xxx