Sunday 27 December 2015

Did you have a good christmas?

Christmas was fun!
I got a new tablet which means that the regular blog posts that have been uploaded over the last few months can continue.
maybe even more often than before.
the picture above is a picture of the cake that my nan made and iced and that I decorated.
me and my brother always decorate the cake and the chocolate log just before desert.
my hair for the day was a bun that was held up by a superhero hair bow.
not very festive I know but it is the only big bow that I own.
it was a Christmas present to my self.
my dad wasn't impressed by his present from me.
I made him a hat for Christmas.
the way that he is warring it makes it look like he has a pair of pants on his head.
what was the embarrassing present that one of your family got this Christmas?
until next time Alice x

Saturday 12 December 2015


procrastinating is what I am doing right now.
I should be filming a video but when I went to do so my camera was flat.
I was meant to put it on charge last night but I got back late and forgot.
as I cant film a video for Wednesday I am watching Christmas films.
although the snowman is in the picture I am actually watching A Royal Christmas.
I should be hovering the floor as I cant film a video.
but the floor is wet as I just moped it.
so that does have to wait a little while.
Dumble is asleep in his cage after drinking my tea.
he is very cheeky.
we are decorating the Christmas tree tonight and I cant wait!
what is your next job to do?
until next time Alice x

Wednesday 9 December 2015

christmas is oficialy here

Christmas is officially here!
my mum has made us watch the Pooler Express.
she waits all year to watch it and we make here wait till December and then we only let her watch it once.
so that means that it is officially Christmas.
we also put the tree up today.
which can only mean that its officially Christmas.
Sunday is the Christmas dog show.
there is only one week left of collage before Christmas.
and I have all my Christmas presents.
well I have ordered all of them not necessarily got all of them.
all I have to do is wrap the ones I have and wait for the ones I don't have and then wrap them.
I also think I need to stop writing about Christmas and wait for it to come.
but I cant stop as I am so exited for Christmas.
I will leave you with a question and let you go back to getting ready for Christmas.
what is your favirut part about getting ready for Christmas?
until next time Alice :p

Saturday 5 December 2015

lazy day

today is a lazy day in front of the telly.
I am watching Gossip Girl.
yes I am still addicted to Gossip Girl.
Dumbbell is curled up in his bed.
and I am curled up on the chair with a blanket.
the picture on the top is of my bed but trust me it does not look like that.
everything is on the floor next to my bed which means I don't have a floor.
I spent half of the day in my bed that is probably why my room looks like such a tip at the moment.
i may have even Stoll some of my brothers chocolate cereal to make the day even better.
what do you do on your lazy days?

Friday 4 December 2015

Christmas Grumps

Christmas grumps are the worst!
it is finally December which means we are publicly aloud to count down to Christmas.
But some people have other plans.
why can't they let the people count down to Christmas if they want to.
I love Christmas.
today I had fun discussing with my friends, that don't like the count down to Christmas, about the pros and cons of the count down to Christmas.
we came to a mutual agreement to disagree and that I could publicly celebrate the countdown to Christmas in peace.
and they could go back to grumbling about it in peace just not to me.
what are your tales about Christmas count down?
until next time buy buy :p

Wednesday 2 December 2015

wird things vets do

Ok I am currently watching super vet and I cant help myself laughing.
yes I know I shouldn't be as it is very sad what is going on.
currently one of the vet nurses cat has eaten anti freeze and they don't have what they need to make the cat better.
guess what they used instead?
what they have done is made the cat drunk so that its enzymes work over time to get rid of the anti freeze.
and believe it or not the cat survived but was very, very drunk.
I wonder what they will say at collage tomorrow when I tell them what I sore them do on supper vet.
that is all for today I hope you enjoyed reading.
leave a comment telling me your interesting story's about vets.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

1st of December

today is the 1st of December which means 24 sleeps until Christmas.
I have spent the day listening to Christmas music and when my dad mooned I told him that I had waited until December so he could not moan.
I love Christmas it is my favourite time of year.
everyone thinks I am mad because I get so exited about Christmas.
But I just don't care, they can say what they want, I have been waiting all year to be able to be exited for Christmas and to right blog posts like this one.
I don't have any Christmas decorations up yet only the advent calendars.
we are waiting to put the Christmas tree up as we get a real one and we don't want it to die before Christmas.
we don't trust ourselves to keep it alive that long.
we also don't know where we are going to put it up as we have a new family member who takes up most of the room.
his name is Dumbel, he is 1 and a half years old, and he is a brindle grey hound.
in this picture he is on his bed cuddling his squirrel.
yes I put squirrel it is not a typo.
he chews so we brought him a rope toy in the shape of a squirrel to chew on instead of the furniture.
it works!
the only problem is that he takes up nearly all the living room and we don't want him braking anything or hurting himself on the tree.
let me know what your plans are for Christmas and if you are exited for Christmas.
hope you enjoyed reading ;p