Sunday 15 March 2015

I dont know

ok so my blog post for this week ins not the best. I was hoping to have some fun photos and ideas for you but my I lent my camera batteries to my nan so I have no photos. I also could not think of what to wright so I am going to talk about my plans for this blog.
 I started this blog because I had a loot of free time and it worked well with my YouTube channel. As time has gone on I have become more busy and find it hard to update so there has been huge gaps in my posts. over the next 2-3 months my blog post are going to be very inconsistent. This is because i have just started my GCSE's.
 I am afraid to say this means that my blog has to take a back seat and will suffer slightly. I am also going to be dropping a upload day on my YouTube channel and my Fanfiction will also be taking a back seat. i am going to try and upload on my fanfiction, YouTube and blog Once a week as I have been but if I miss a week I apologise. I am not doing it because I don't want to wright blog posts, wright Fanfiction or make YouTube videos anymore. I am doing it so that i can focuses on my GCSE's.
 I have got a long list of plans I want to do on my blog, Fanfiction and YouTube so I will be trying to get them all done so you don't miss out but if i miss a week you will have something to look forward to. I feel this blog post is turning in to a novel so I am going to leave it here.
 I would love to hear how you are coping with Exams? if you are taking exams at he moment or what you have had to give up for your work?

Wednesday 11 March 2015

travilig the world

this blog post was meant to go up last week but I really did not feel like doing it so I decided to post it this week.
 i have thought long and hard about where i want to go. I have decided on to places.
first is the Grand Canyon One of my friends has been and said it was amazing and that she wants to go again. she loves to wind me up about it because I would adore to go. my friends has flown over it but would like to walk it as well. I would love to walk it as well. it is probably the most famous V-shaped valley there is.
 if you don't know what a V-shaped valley is it is where a river whereas away the ground and it looks like a V so it is could a V-shaped valley.

the next place i want to go is the Easter Islands. this one has no meaning to it, I just want to see what is there. which is really boring I know but its true. what eels can i say.
i would love to here where you want to go in the world.