Sunday 19 April 2015


friends play a big part in your life. they make you smile when you are feeling down. They are always there for you. but sometimes you take them for granted. if you take them for granted too often they are no longer your friends they are just someone you call your friend. i don't very often see my friends outside of school at the moment because we are all really busy. we have exams coming up and work as well. well most have work. we talk to each other all the time. inside and outside of school even if we cant see each other. so that we can spend more time with each other before we go are separate ways to collage or six form we have even started revising together. i find revising in a group is more productive than revising on your own because you are more motivated.
 as of this week i will be coming home late from school most days because of revision. i have to revise for business studies, geography, maths, English, chemistry, physics and biology. which is really not fun.
 what do you get up to with your friends?

Tuesday 7 April 2015

outfit of the week

I have been enjoying this outfit at the moment so I thought I would shear it with you. it is so simple and so basic but gives such a good affect. i am going to start from the bottom up.
 first I m wearing a pair of blue flats from Primark. I got them in the sail at the end of the summer last year. they are plain blue and the sides are mesh so aren't waterproof. I have then got on a pair of blue skinny jeans which I have had them for ages and cant remember where I got them from. They are so comfy and casual. I have then got a plain blue t-shirt again I don't know where I got it from. some times I where a long black cardigan with it but I chose not to today. I then where a plain blue cable jacket.
 I would love to hear what your favirut outfit is at the moment. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.